Vada Jewelry is looking for a Production Jeweler

Vada Jewelry

is looking for a Production Jeweler

Austin, TX

VADA Jewelry is hiring a full time production jeweler in our East Austin creative studio. Our line consists of modern heirloom pieces made from quality materials including high karat gold, sterling silver, diamonds, and precious/semi precious gemstones. We also create custom jewelry for those clients with specific needs. Duties will be to aid in jewelry production, as well as maintain the general upkeep of the studio.

Bench requirements include: proficiency in basic jewelry making skills such as soldering, piercing, polishing/finishing, ring sizing, riveting, and bezel making. Desired bonus skills include CAD, enameling, stone setting, and wax carving. The ability to fill orders quickly with consistent craftsmanship is a must.

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Jorge Del Pinal