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Enroll by end of month at 11AM PT
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Enroll by end of month at 11AM PT

From beginner to six figure agency — we cover it all.

Created & Taught by the Design Agency:
ilovecreatives Studio

This self-paced course is like a virtual apprenticeship where you'll learn practical on-the-job skills and get 1:1 feedback from working designers that get your vibe.

Got a question?
See our FAQs or email hello@ilovecreatives.com


Who is this course for?

We’ve had hundreds of students take this course and they all come from different backgrounds. This is what a few of our students said before taking the course:


Who is this course for?

We’ve had hundreds of students take this course and they all come from different backgrounds. This is what a few of our students said before taking the course:

I want to be a designer.

I’m entirely new to the design world. I’ve always been curious about it and want to make the leap into becoming a designer. I just don’t know where to start!

I want to improve my design process.

I’m new to freelance. I want to sharpen my design process, get a better handle on my workflow and client communication skills!

I want to start a business.

I’ve got a rad business idea. I consider myself pretty creative and have a strong idea of how I want the brand to look. I want to take a stab at branding it myself, but I have no design experience!

I'm a recent grad.

I just graduated design school. I've got design skills, but how do I turn that into a career?

I'm an employee.

I currently have a full-time job that sometimes includes graphic design asks. I want to learn how to design real world assets quickly for my team.

I’m fun-employed.

I was laid off from a job in a field that I don't think I even want to be in. I really want to explore this world to see if I should pursue it.

Why this
course works


Students wanted
1-on-1 Support

Anyone can learn from the internet, but sometimes you need some 1:1 human, ya know?

1 Mo

Fastest Course

Click here to see how long the course will take to finish based on your experience.


Student Alumni Return
(highest reported to us!)

Yes, this course is a big investment but you can make your money back! It’s just that good.

Access to the
Course & Community

Not only is this course self-paced, but you’ll be able to grow side-by-side with our community of designers.

Students From

Student Work


A Graphic Design Curriculum For the Practical Designer


Section 1

Design Tools

Sure, you can youtube tutorials OR you can follow a super fun step-by-step curriculum with actual on-the-job deliverables, not just some “cool effect”.

“I now feel like I can create a cohesive brand and do it all much quicker than I could through just self-teaching.” - Carlota

Section 2

Design Process

How do you start when you have too many ideas? How do you sell your designs? We’ll teach you the ilovecreatives Studio design process so you can apply this to any project of any scale.

“I didn’t have a mentor at my job to teach me how professionals approach design with a strategic mindset.” - Dani


Section 3


You must have a portfolio. Full stop. Your resume, college degree, and even glowing reference doesn’t matter if you don’t have a portfolio. Here you’ll get 1on1 feedback and we’ll workshop with you until it’s done!

“I feel good calling myself a graphic designer. And, I already have more freelance work because of my portfolio!” - Jake

Section 4

Design Career

We will cover all phases: from interning to getting a job, to asking for a raise, to freelancing or starting an agency. You’ll have an actual path and a ton of resources (e.g. contracts, notion templates, email templates, and project rate and estimator spreadsheets).

“I felt like I earned another degree after taking this course. They are so transparent about everything!” - Katie


51% of students want to Freelance or start an Agency, 42 % of students want a Full-Time Job (or a raise), 7% of students are taking this course to give better feedback (employers, marketing, or founders)

Resources & Perks

Also, Included in The Course


1:1 Feedback

Our design TA’s review your assignments and give you actionable feedback.


Digital Course Workbook

A handy digital guide to take notes and track assignments.

Community: Student Discord Channel

You’ll gain access to our vibrant community of graphic designers.


Templates by ilovecreatives Studio

All access pass to ilovecreatives Studio most coveted templates for design and project management.


Resources Library

A supplemental library of resources and guides that keeps growing.

Bonus Goodies

Access to ilovecreatives Digital Goods like our Font Books, Squarespace Templates + more.



who loved the course

Student Only

Bonus Workshops

All students can RSVP and join upcoming live events & workshops through Discord. You’ll also get instant access to our complete archive.


& Price


Next Class

End of month


or $625/mo with our payment plan

Enroll before end of month at 11am Pacific Time.

How does enrollment work in a self-paced course? On the start date, you'll get access to the video lessons, resources, and student chat. From there, you can learn on any schedule that's convenient for you! Check out our FAQs.


Should I Take This Course?

Exhibit A: Person eating a burger and taking the quiz before finishing the burger (bc its only 3 min) to see if they should take this course.


Join the Waitlist

Grab the Curriculum

Are you thinking, “This is awesome, but I want to know more!” Heck yeah, we hear that. Join the waitlist and we’ll ➀ send you the curriculum, ➁ walk you through the course and ➂ answer FAQs we get.

Plus, you’ll be notified about enrollment periods!


① Graphic Design Course — Curriculum

Bonus Download

② Job Directory Graphic Designer

Salary, career insights and interviews with working designers.