Jared Richard
Jared Richard
Web Designer / Photographer
Los Angeles, CA
So, what do you do?
“I design and build websites for creatives and small businesses. Everyone deserves a rad online home for their portfolio, business, event or big day. I help make that happen for them.
I also do product and lifestyle photography for creatives and brands. This skill vibes well with my design work as I’m able to offer it as an additional service.”
Do you have a portfolio for your photography?
I have a very simple site for some of my photography at jared-richard.com. It currently shows some of my interior and product related shots done for recent clients. I also did all the graphics and product photo work on blissandmischief.com.
I have a very basic photo setup at my home that I can use for product flats, but anything larger in scope I work off-site. Usually downtown.
Give us a specific example of how you do your job like a BOSS.
Sure! I’m fast, friendly, have great attention to detail and most importantly love sweating the small stuff. My aesthetic is simple, clean and thoughtful. Less is definitely more in my book.
Who inspires you? What would you compare your aesthetic to most?
Good question! I really love and relate to the aesthetic of Cereal Magazine. Everything they do is so on point. From their photography and website to their magazine's layout and typography. I consistently go to them when I need a fresh breath of inspiration. They are the epitome of simple, clean and thoughtful.
I also think Garrett Leight's California Optical website and branding material is really nice.
It seems funny to some people, but I also get inspiration from email newsletters. It doesn't even need to be from a brand or shop I personally do business with either. I'm a sucker for good design anywhere I can get it. A couple of my favorite that also vibe well with my aesthetic are Need Supply and J.Crew!
What are you working on right now?
I’m currently creating a website for a local L.A. textile artist so she’s able to showcase her rad work to potential clients and up her commission inquiries. I’m also in the early stages of creating an online shop for a new clothing company’s unique spin on the swimsuit cover-up. I’m super excited about this one.
“I love helping new company’s launch their idea/product to the world.”
What are all the tools (digital or physical) you use on a regular basis?
- A fresh Field Notes
- Photoshop
- Dropbox
- SquareSpace
- Shopify
- My Wacom tablet
- Chemex
What is frustrating you right now?
Good question! I’d say the indecisive client can really bum me out.
How do you deal with this? Any special tricks?
I wish I knew! I think the key is setting up a realistic timeframe before the project starts. For instance – whenever I'm working on a website for a client and I know I will need them to supply me with materials such as logos, their bio, site copy or even product names I'm sure to set up mutually agreed upon due dates. It helps to be honest and simply let them know early on that I may have to stop and move on to another project if things come to a standstill.
What are you putting off right now, but you know you have to get to, but you haven’t had the time?
Ironically, I’ve been needing to spend some time updating my own website. Is that bad?
No, it happens to the best of us :)
If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
Budget proposing for new jobs/clients. That’s always a tricky one.
What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for right now?
Artists, local businesses, photographers, musicians, the soon-to-be-married… Anyone who values their creative passion and needs an online home to showcase their art, sell products or simply get the word out about their business, service or event!
Have you run across any projects that are too large for you to handle? Is there such thing as a project that is too small?
Nothing too large or small yet. I've been lucky in that area. I think if it's a project that I personally respond well to then it can never be too small. I put a lot of care in my work and if I see the same coming from you then we should talk.
Describe your ideal client...
They do exist! Anyone who is excited about the work they do, is not afraid to make decisions, and most importantly, can pay half up-front ;)
What is your preferred style of working (remote, in-house, on-site, etc)?
Anywhere that has an internet connection and in near proximity to good coffee, though I can usually be found working from my Glassell Park home studio.
What is your rate, retainer, or salary range?
Totally depends on project scope! It’s difficult to put a number to a project before speaking with the client. There’s a whole bunch of variables to consider: Is it a portfolio site? Do they want to sell a product or goods? Do they have the product photography already? Do they already have a logo/branding? I think most people simply looking for a nice clean portfolio to showcase their work and would probably fall into the $1500-$2000 range, but again, difficult to say!
How should someone approach you about working with you?
I love email! Touch base at jaredrichard@mac.com. Tell me a little bit about yourself and/or your project. I love references. Don’t be afraid to send links to other sites/ideas/pinterests you dig. It’s a great way for me to get a sense of your vibe and visual esthetic.
This member profile was originally published on December 2014.