Lauren Alexandra - Clarity and Mindset Coach

Lauren Alexandra

Clarity and Mindset Coach

Vancouver, BC / Anywhere

Transform old problems into new perspectives. The clarity you seek is already within you!

As a clarity and mindset coach, I have helped dozens of people uncover their roadblocks so that they can actualize their true potential.

At the heart of it, my work with clients transforms their emotional landscape, helping them connect to their intuition, deep wisdom, and self-sovereignty.

These qualities aren’t just transformed through words of support/affirmation, but in non-verbal ways too. This sort of energy work is heart-based and creates new pathways for compassion, love, and accessing their unique talents and gifts.

Book a free consultation to learn more and sign up for my weekly newsletter to receive free resources to further your self-growth journey.


Lauren Alexandra

Your Clarity and Mindset Coachcally!

Jorge Del Pinal