Day Job ✹ site of the week, art & design, portfolioGina CovarrubiasFebruary 22, 2023Website, Custom, Gosha Sans, Neue World
Private Island ✹ site of the week, art & design, portfolioGina CovarrubiasFebruary 15, 2023Website, Custom, Gosha Sans, Neue World
Flatfile art & design, educationalGina CovarrubiasFebruary 7, 2023Website, Readymag, ITC Caslon No. 224, Georgio Sans
ilovecreatives Studio art & design, marketing & branding, studioGina CovarrubiasJanuary 23, 2023Website, Arial Narrow, Adobe Caslon Pro, Squarespace 7.1
Best Words art & design, entertainmentGina CovarrubiasJanuary 7, 2023Website, Neue Montreal, Roslindale, Github
Mire Studio art & design, studioGina CovarrubiasJanuary 6, 2023Website, Pangram Sans Rounded, ProcessWire
Museum of Online Artifacts art & designGina CovarrubiasDecember 31, 2022Website, Custom Font, Readymag
Filippo Belloe art & design, studioGina CovarrubiasDecember 30, 2022Website, Druk, Editorial New, Neue Montreal, Next.js
Shelvy Vaisman ✹ site of the week, art & design, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 28, 2022Website, Readymag, Pinyon Script, Space Grotesk, Anek Gurmukhi
Alana Cooke portfolio, architecture, art & designGina CovarrubiasDecember 20, 2022Website, Basis Grotesque, Cargo
Loulou Joao art & design, portfolioGina CovarrubiasDecember 13, 2022Website, Wordpress, Alte Haas Grotesk
Hugo & Marie art & design, agencyGina CovarrubiasDecember 9, 2022Website, Wordpress, Saol Text, Sohne
Meiwen See art & design, photographyGina CovarrubiasDecember 6, 2022Website, Squarespace 7.1, IvyPresto, Neue Haas Grotesk