Usal fashion, e-commerceGina CovarrubiasDecember 19, 2023Website, Neue Haas Grotesk, PP Supply Mono, Shopify
Shangxia e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasDecember 4, 2023Website, Helvetica Neue, Noto Sans, Custom
Outsiders Store e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasNovember 30, 2023Website, Shopify, Libre Franklin, Eczar
Kseniaschnaider ✹ site of the week, e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasNovember 29, 2023Website, Shopify, Crimson Text, Arial Narrow
Lunier e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasNovember 27, 2023Website, Custom, Brandon Grotesque, Suisse Works
Kalso educational, fashionGina CovarrubiasNovember 17, 2023Website, Beastly, Cheee, Neue World, Beatrice, Futura, Webflow
Jungmaven e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasOctober 20, 2023Website, New Spirit, Swell, Neue Kabel, Shopify
Polene ✹ site of the week, e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasOctober 18, 2023Website, Shopify, Canela, Cormorant Garamond
Mainline:RUS/Fr.CA/DE e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasOctober 16, 2023Website, Custom, Armand Grotesk, Keroine, New Edge
MSCHF ✹ site of the week, e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasSeptember 20, 2023Website, Custom, Fragment Mono
Lauren Schneider art & design, fashionGina CovarrubiasSeptember 18, 2023Website, Swear Display, Moret, Aktiv Grotesk, Squarespace 7.1
Novembre blog, fashion, lifestyleGina CovarrubiasAugust 24, 2023Website, Adobe Caslon Pro, Neue Haas Grotesk, Netlify
WorkWork e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasAugust 21, 2023Website, Custom, Space Mono, Noto Sans, Neue Haas Grotesk
We Are Not Sisters e-commerce, fashionGina CovarrubiasAugust 15, 2023Website, Maria, Times New Roman, Woo Commerce