Ep. 6: I need some quick zoom shortcuts for Photoshop


About this Episode

Are you ready to WORK? I can’t hear you! I said, are you ready to WUUUUURKK??! 🗣 Start warming up those fingers for this week’s episode of #1800HEYPUNO, where Puno shows you some easy shortcuts for zOOOoooOOming 🔍 in Adobe Photoshop. Once you get rid of that tools sidebar (scary, we know) and start using some simple keyboard shortcuts, editing in photoshop is going to get a whole lot faster. Like, double speed. Maybe even TRIPLE speed.  Watch the full episode and then try it out yourself. Let us know how it goes in the comments below!

🔍Get Adobe Photoshop today!

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Puno:  So...on the weekends, I like to really just have a good time. Go fishing with my cat. Then sometimes, if we're lucky, we might get a question.

Puno:  Oh, oh, I think I got one, it's a big question. Oh!

Puno:  Nice!

Christina:  "Hey Puno! Whenever I'm exporting a bunch of assets from Photoshop, I feel like it takes forever."

Puno:  Oh no!

Christina:  "Do you have any tips for speeding things up?"

Puno:  I sure do! It sounds like you need some drills.

[Music] 🎵

Puno:  Slide. Hey guys, you ready to do some drills. I thought so. Well, today, I'm about to blow your mother-photoshopping-mind. Who's here to design?!

Multiple Punos:  Yeah! Me! Yeah! I'm here to design! [scream]

Puno: And who's here to export images? [Crickets].

Crickets. Exactly. You know why? Because it takes forever. You've got file, save...Ugh, that's one image at a time. And then remember save for Web? I mean Adobe is really saying bye-bye to that feature because it got that parentheses legacy on there. Whew. That is some shade. But now nobody wants to make slices anymore. No one can figure that out. They're like slices, what's that? You don't even need to worry about that anymore because today is an ultimate-super time saver.

We're saying it's so slow because you have so much time to waste. You're about to save so much time. Drills, drills, drills, drills! This ultimate-super time saver has been right under your mouse since 2013. I know. That's okay. There's no time like drills time.

Alright. Head on over to file, then generate image assets. Now that bad boy's probably not checked, so you're going to check it. Put a little check right there. Boom. Yes, you did it. Now that you've activated the ultimate-super time saver, let's make some magic happen.

We're going to have to pick a layer. I'm going to pick this art board. It's called drills-instagram, and guess what I'm going to do? I'm going to add .jpg to the end. JPG. Make sure that guy doesn't have any spaces, but you know what? If you do, it'll still save it anyways. What?! That's right. Photoshop created a folder automatically and generated image assets. OMG, right?!

In the finder, if you press space bar, you can preview it really quickly. Space bar. Quick. There it is. Because you named the art board, every single layer underneath is saved into this one, beautiful .jpg. Beautiful, right?

So, okay, what if we removed this image of this space? Goodbye. Bye-Bye. I don't even have to press save, it's just doing it. Look at that file. Ultimate Super Time Saver. Any time you make a change, boom, there it is.

Now what if I wanted to add a logo? Turn that layer on. Ah, boom. There it is again. It's just right there. Maybe you're working with your video editor or web developer and she's like, I need each of those assets in individual .jpgs or .pngs and you're usually like, oh God, but now you're like, no problem sister. I got you girl.

Okay, here's an example. See that pink shape? In the video, you want that to go away eventually. So what do you do? You can name that layer too. As long as the file names are different and they have .png or .jpg at the end it'll generate data.

Oh, okay. Wait, wait, but what about for mobile? Maybe you need to make it real big.

Well, here you go. Type 200% or whatever percent you want. Go crazy and then make sure you change that file name. I'm going to do a little XL here. Boom! Oh, it's extra large. Already. Look at those pixel dimensions. Beautiful. Double and file size, 200% larger. You're saving so much time.

Oh, you want to save some more time? Are you addicted to saving time? Oh my God. Me too! That's why I'm here.

Drills, drills, drills, drills. All right, I'm going to go crazy. I want to put all those different pieces that make up that logo into its own folder. I'm going to make it really nice and neat, perfectly organized.

[Kiss sound] On each layer type logo or whatever folder you want. Then / whatever the file name is.

There it is! Logo, folder, and all of your assets inside. I know, your mind is just blown. It's blown. There are pieces everywhere. It's all over your desk.

Last tip, let's say you wanted to make a few different ops or variations of this file. You can rename the file in finder, and as long as your other assets aren't named that same thing, it won't be overwritten. So -1 and then make a little change in Photoshop. And then boom, I'm going to rename this drills-instagram-2. Boom, boom, boom drills. Oh my gosh, isn't that amazing?! Drill, drill, drills, drills, drills, drills.

Thank you so much for joining us today on this lovely drills. We didn't get to exercise those fingers on the keyboard, but you could warm it up on that like button or maybe some comments or subscribe so we know to keep making these types of videos. You know the drills, drills, drills, drills, drills. Woo! I'm about to fly away now. See ya later!

Drills, drills, drills, drills, drills, drills….


Don't forget to click to subscribe because not everybody remembers to do that. So that's why we had to say that right here. Oh, and, if you have any questions, just go to www.ilove.creatives.com/1-800HEYPUNO, we'd love to hear your questions. Okay. All right. Um, you're still here. That's fine. That's fine. We can do that. We, uh, what we, what do we got? What have we got? Oh, have you seen this video?! That video is really good. Muad'Dib just binged all of them. Like she's twitching hardcore right now because just tired of her brain exploding with education and strategies and things like that.
