Carley Rudd
Carley Rudd
Los Angeles, CA
What do you do?
I take a lot of pictures. I collaborate with fun, creative brands to provide visual content. I work as a full time publicist, brand storyteller, event planner and social media strategist with the Soda Pop Public Relations team.
What do you really want to do?
Photography, photo styling and creating the visual identity for brands using Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc.
Having a consistent and cohesive visual voice is so important! From personal branding, to business branding the look you put out there really says a lot about who you are and who you will attract. The images, colors, font and design that represent you all need to have the same look and feel collectively. If you’re a small coffee shop in Portland, Maine than the imagery on your Instagram, Website, Tumblr, etc. need to give off that feel. Think lobsters, blueberries, LL Bean Boots, pinecones, flannel, mountains, browns, blues, forest greens. These images tell a visual story and will help people truly connect with you. Defining this look for you or your brand and curating these images is what I want to do more of.
“Photography, photo styling and creating the visual identity for brands using Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc.”
Give us a specific example of how you do your job like a BOSS.
The other day I was driving home from work and the light was perfect. Yes, I geek out about great lighting. Instead of going home I drove down random backstreets finding the perfect vignettes to photograph. I do this on a regular basis. I’m also guilty of editing photos for fun and taking mini road trips to scout locations for photo shoots.
What are all the tools (digital or physical) you use on a regular basis?
My DSLR camera, iPhone, photo-editing apps (Snapseed, Afterlight, VSCO), Photoshop, and INSTAGRAM (lots of Instagram).
Learn any tips or found anything that helps you with work?
Big fan of Skillshare! I’m also a member on Snapwire - a great community for photographers to share and sell royalty-free images.
I’ve taken mostly photography-related courses on Skillshare. They are launching a new series of Photography courses in December that I’m looking forward to but here are a few others I found useful:
Snapwire is definitely a way to make additional money but it’s more than just that. It’s a place where photographers can have a community and connect with one another. The site also features fun contests for little or no money just to encourage you to get out and shoot.
What is frustrating you right now? What is making this new venture hard to move forward?
I am somewhat new to the professional photography world, especially here in LA. I moved here two years ago by way of Maine and Florida. I’d say my biggest challenge is finding other like-minded photographers and stylists to shoot with. Building my network and portfolio. That’s what I need to focus on now.
If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on photography, what would it be about?
I’d love to pick the brain of other successful photographers. I also get pretty excited to talk to people about branding and styling.
Here’s a few photogs I am inspired by:
Laura Austin - her photos tell a story
Brittany Wood - so bright and lively
Cory Staudacher - His landscape and portrait photography
as a sense of adventure and are da bomb!Lauren Randolph - love her creativity
If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Be a model. Ha. Or, have an awesome product or beautiful home to photograph. I also find that I’m always needing help with graphic design and web design.
I find that with PR and Photography knowing how to do your own graphic design (especially this) and web design it’s a huge help. So, in my spare time I’m trying to teach myself the skills and I’m pretty comfortable with basic graphic design and working on web design platforms and templates through Shopify, Squarespace and Wordpress.
Sometimes I just have a few questions that I need to run by a pro. On the flipside, sometimes I come across projects where I know my time would be saved if I could hire someone to do the heavy lifting. Especially when it gets into fully-customized HTML web design.
Photos by @carleyscamera.
What kind of projects are you looking for next?
Photograph, photograph, photograph! Mix in a little styling and fun collaborations with brands via Instagram and other visual outlets.
I love working with artisans and designers! For example I’m working with a textile designer who makes awesome pillows inspired by nature and travel photography. She’s going to be using some of my photography for a new limited-edition design and we’ll be hosting a fun giveaway of the pillow via Instagram.
And anything travel-related. Want to sponsor me to travel to your boutique hotel in Spain in exchange for awesome photography and Instagram exposure? Done and done. Or, if Land Rover wanted to provide me with a sweet ride to take on a roadtrip across the country. I wouldn’t say no.
How are you looking for these projects right now? What has worked the best?
Instagram has been a HUGE help with connecting me to people and brands. Also just making introductions via email to see if people are open to collaborating. The worst that can happen is they say no.
What are you working on right now?
Developing my first collection of prints to sell (and the online shop to go with it). Updating my photography/portfolio site. I’m also working on developing a fun travel and lifestyle inspired website full of visual inspiration and stories from all the places my boyfriend and I visit. He’s a great copywriter so expect some fun, lively storytelling to go along with my photography.
What is your rate, retainer, or salary range?
This is all negotiable and since I’m still fairly new to the professional photography world my rates are very reasonable! Because my work ranges it’s hard to give a specific rate or retainer without knowing what the project is. I also do a lot of work in exchange for product and other services.
How should someone approach you about working with you?
Just say hi. Shoot me an email -
This member profile was originally published on November 2014.