Noa Acar
Fashion Stylist / Content Creator / Social Media & Brand Strategist
Amsterdam, NL
instagram @thearchiveofher
Q What do you do?
“Trained as a Fashion Stylist, I’m all about spinning tales and lending a hand to help others reach their goals through styling.”
Yet, what I truly hope to embody for people is a gentle beacon, easing the overwhelm of social media for artists and brands, sculpting their online presence, products, or services into meaningful moments that sparkle on tiny screens.
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
Back in high school, I was lost in the haze, unsure of my path. One thing was certain, though: it wouldn't be the same as my parents' (sorry Mum and Dad). But when I returned from Sydney, my vision became clear. I yearned to craft my own creative visions and tales. In Sydney, I met countless souls who ignited a spark within me. They expressed feelings and thoughts through visuals, words, or sounds. When COVID sent me home, I immediately sought out a course that aligned with my passion. After completing a Fashion & Media Styling course in 2020, I dove into freelance styling. To make ends meet, I delved into the world of social media, now managing platforms for companies like WieWatHaar, B Academy, & Haircrane!
Q How do you stand out in your field?
The thread woven through my life is daring to bare vulnerability, displaying emotions, and infusing everything with feeling. It's not just how I approach my work, but how I strive to navigate life's every facet. My broad interests, especially in opposing realms, truly define me. One moment, I'm captivated by minimalist simplicity; the next, I'm immersed in maximalist extravagance. This contrast lets me see projects from different angles, each with its own unique flavor.
Q What are you working on right now?
Right now, I'm immersed in thoughts of what lies ahead. I'm in the midst of uncovering the vast expanse of possibilities, delving into the inner workings of the music industry. Seeking like-minded people to create portfolio pieces that tell tales and stir souls! Yet, as always, I'm also caught up in creating content and plotting strategies for the companies I serve.
Q What’s your style?
I reckon I can't sum up my style in a single word. Right now, I'm all about the grace of ballet movements, while just last week, I was immersed in Rammstein concert videos. The only words that come to mind, ones I strive to embody in all I do, are "raw" and "pure". Doing everything with emotion, even if it's a tad rough around the edges, as long as it's genuine and heartfelt, sets my soul on fire!
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
I would love to digg into all the possibilities of photographing, learn how to make the most beautiful analog video's!
Q What is frustrating you right now?
What truly frustrates me, is my own mind. Feels like I'm always on the go, 24/7, and it's overwhelming. Maybe it's 'cause here in the Netherlands, the field I want to work in doesn’t offer much. I dream of going abroad, to see if the industry is bigger out there. But I’m not giving up on finding opportunities here, not letting go of my dream!
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Since I'm not great with numbers and find it the least appealing task, I'd like someone to create a marketing report for me.
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
I'd remind myself that not everyone's a villain. Back in the day, I was seething at the world, not giving a thought to understanding anyone. But now, as I converse with folks, listening to their tales and all that jazz, I perceive the world and its people as unique souls, each with their own narrative to unfold.
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
I'm gearing up for a chat with a psychologist! I'm eager as to understand as many souls as I can. Delving into the why's and how's of life's twists and turns, particularly when it comes to weathering the storms. Unraveling the mysteries behind human responses. It's all about diving deep, so I can authentically capture the essence my clients wish to convey.
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
I'm drawn to projects that involve offering advice on creativity, content creation, or social media management in the fashion, beauty, or music sectors. Although lately, my heart leans towards the music industry - it's purely a personal fascination!
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
The perfect client dares to tread a path less traveled, much like myself! Building a strong bond of trust is paramount to me, as is welcoming their unique input; it's a testament to their understanding of their own vision.
Q: What is your rate?
I customise my rates and services to align with the unique needs of each client and project. While I often work on monthly retainers, I’m also open to hourly consulting. Reach out to me via email with your vision, and I'll be delighted to provide you with a bespoke quote.
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
Send me a love letter at with a brief introduction. If you can share your vision for the project's breadth, budget or any other information you want to share, it would be wonderfully helpful.
Q Who is a creative you admire?
I reckon @sorryjonnydied on IG photography style is ace. It's the rawness of his shots and the disregard for others' opinions that truly captivate me.
Also @cliffordusher on IG! His photographs radiate a tender touch that speaks to my soul, and I'm enchanted by it.
@_stevenhuang, @lisajarvis_stylist, @indianaromavoss for styling!
I can go on for hours and hours about those.
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
I keep my creative spark alive by absorbing as many sensations as I can, though at times, it can be my fiercest foe. It's in seeking out life's small wonders, its subtle nuances, that I continue to craft my own narratives. And of course, by delving into both old and new films, by scribbling down the whirls of my thoughts, and above all, by seeing things through my own eyes rather than through a screen's gaze.
This member profile was originally published in June 2024.