Tom Kubik

Photographer / Director

Los Angeles, CA
instagram @tomjohnkubik


Q What do you do?

I use a magical box with mirrors and lenses (and some tech) inside to create a permanent, true to life capture of people authentically connecting with each other and with me.

I'm often doing this for advertising but sometimes it's just for fun.

Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?

It's been a wild ride! I started taking pictures when I was 11 at Disney World. I needed to have a portrait of all the characters I met. I achieved this with my Mickey Mouse 110 film camera purchased on site. In my early 20s I bought a film SLR when I worked on aircraft in the military to document the deployments I was going on post-9/11. After a couple of years of selling landscape prints, I decided to pursue a degree from the Academy of Art in San Francisco. It was the perfect training ground for me to launch my career. Eventually I took a leap and moved to New York to hone my craft before landing here in LA during the pandemic.

Q How do you stand out in your field?

I've been told by many crew and clients that they've never worked with a photographer that connects as deeply to the subjects as I do and really leaves everyone feeling so good at the end of the shoot. My superpower is to create safe spaces for people to express and emote emphatically.

Q What are you working on right now?

Right now I have an idea for a short film around a man who finds solitude in little moments to fully release his emotions that he does not feel comfortable sharing with the world.

Q What’s your style?

I strive to create images that transcend geographic tropes, hoping that they hold up over time and can be relatable to most other people of the world. Everywhere I go in the world and everyone I photograph, without fail, has a certain something in their eyes. I want to portray that "something" as clearly as possible. Probably my prison reform work is the most powerful example of that:

Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?

I have a severe passion for meditation, emotional expression and unlocking the authentic self. Going deep into myself in extreme ways would be delightful, such as a 30-day cave meditation in the Guatemalan mountains.

Q What is frustrating you right now?

Ugh, dealing with admin work. There's so much upkeep to keep a business in compliance and properly functioning. Accounting is always at the bottom of the list.

Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?

Keep my life in order! Please save me from taxes and accounting!


Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?

I would go back to my 12 year old self and tell him "Your unique view of the world is a great, great gift. Own it fully and you will become unstoppable." It took me so long to become comfortable with my self expression. It didn't really happen for me until I became an artist and moved to NYC, where people demands it from you.


Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?

I feel infantile when it comes to translating ideas into action.

Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?

I WANT ALL OF YOUR CLIENTS! But genuinely, I thrive in professional scenarios where I have the time to connect with the talent on a deep level and facilitate a meaningful session. This often applies well in healthcare, Pharma, travel and tourism. I'd also consider myself a pro at shooting along side directors. I can accomplish long shot lists in very little time while working collaboratively with the motion team.

Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.

I'd be over the moon to shoot a travel campaign for Delta or American Express. I feel like they but have such nice creative.

Q: What is your rate?

My starting rate for advertising work is $5000/day + expenses and usage

Q How should someone approach you about working together? or email Just reach out! Scope and budget are always nice, but a phone call or video chat is a great first follow up.


Q Who is a creative you admire?

Clayton Boyd:

Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?

To be inspired -- Breathe in ALL of existence -- Look here, life is art

This member profile was originally published in June 2024.