ilovepolls: 2021 event survey
digital events
Events for creatives, by creatives.
Events for you, by us. ✨
PHEW! 2020 was a tough one! 👀
We made it through thanks to the support of our rockstar community. Yeah, that is YOU.
If we were IRL we'd give you a jumping high-five right now.
Many of you made the transition to working from home. Many others had to pivot to new careers involving brand new skills.
The ilovecreatives team had a freakin' blast being able to connect with you all through the Virtual World digital events.
We had so much fun, we thought, why the heck don't we do it again?!
In order to make the most edutaining events we can, we want to hear from you! Let us know what you'd like to see from us and let us bring you 👏 the 👏 goods!
A storm of awesome events, that is.