Lightworkers in Business Masterclass

Lightworkers in Business Masterclass


From Silver + Citrine: Let's get you full-time in your healing or coaching business.

Chances are you are likely spending time and money on things that are not pushing the needle towards cash flow.

Maybe you are spending a lot of your time on your website, branding, appearance, brainstorming the perfect strategy and no action, collaborations that fall flat, technology, low ticket or free client sessions and... leaving your business without a real profit.

We will discover the 4 high impact steps that you NEED to prioritize in order to allow your business to have impact and flourish.

🌟If you are like me and my community I know you want to​​​​​​​ a life you feel healthy in and proud of - leaving a legacy of impact, healing and empowerment in your wake🌟​​​​​​​

These steps are the stuff your parents, other business coaching programs or education likely didn't teach you, come learn the nuances of success in the healing and coaching industries

You will leave with...

A clearer practical roadmap to success and an energetic activation - that will have you feeling renewed passion and momentum!​​​​​​​

We have 3 dates in October to choose from (listed on website).

The 4 steps might not be what you think…

There are SO many things you can be focusing on in business and as a solopreneur you need to streamline and choose the most important tasks…

So you don’t get lost in the weeds!

There is only so much time in a day, and when we are doing this on our own we need to focus on the most important steps that will make this business viable not just pretty to look at on instagram.

As a business owner and entrepreneur for the last 12 years I have learned many things the hard way, and want to share those lessons so you don’t make the same mistakes.

And especially in 2023 in the fields of healing and coaching there are certain methods and systems proven to work and some that don’t.​​​​​​​..

Join this workshop if you...

  • Want more financial abundance and freedom to travel and live the lifestyle you desire

  • Want to go online or do hybrid work and work from anywhere

  • Want a large, thriving client base

  • Know you have what it takes, you are super passionate and just need a road map from someone who has done it already, so you don’t make unnecessary mistakes

  • Want to know what really are the steps to prioritize in order to make this business happen

  • Want to release the internal roadblocks that have you sitting on this business and not launching

  • Want the confidence to show up online and go all in on your business, despite what anybody thinks​​​​​​​

Let me give you a hint about what is NOT a priority if you are not yet full time...

  • Filling for an LLC

  • Building a perfect 5-10k website

  • Spending two years on social media building a perfect brand image

  • Designing and launching 5 products / services all at once

  • Running Facebook ads

  • Building up over 20k followers on the gram

  • Giveaway free sessions years on end

  • Having a generic business plan from local small business center

  • Burning yourself out on tons of low ticket clients and not having time for sustainable business strategy

This is stuff they don't teach you at business school or in your typical business coaching programs

It's important to get nuanced and up to date information on your niche and specialty and not take generic advice.

You know like when your Uncle Bob who runs a successful pool company tries to give you business advice but it falls flat...

Or your friend who owns a successful jewelry company, tells you how they did it but you know most of that advice won't work for you.

Some frameworks and tried and true....

And some strategy needs to be specific given the specific market you are in.

And even if your former coach is an embodiment and business coach, many of these group or recorded programs gloss over your unique assets, location and specific market you are in... not to mention they do not address nervous system health and triggers on a deep level and it's relation to the success of your business.

We will cover 4 strategies that are proven to work within healing, teaching and coaching businesses in 2023, that will leave you feeling more clear on how this will ACTUALLY work for you, not just some business school theories

Let's be real, maybe you ARE focusing on the right things, but might be a way that you can do it better or more effectively ... it could be as simple as a change in language, mindset or automation.

Let's do this!

Join an amazing group of lightworkers to learn some industry-specific strategy and have some massive energetic shifts.

As we hold the space for each other and SHOW up for our own vision and mission, we encourage each other to succeed.

We will do an energetic activation at the end and you will leave with renewed passion and momentum.

We are better together.



Jorge Del Pinal