Looking For: Social Media Managers who do it all


Looking For:
Social Media Managers
(who do it all)

Submissions close Friday, March 15, 2024

The ilovecreatives team is looking to round up Social Media Managers (who do it all) to feature on our social and website. Our goal is to ❶ help Social Media Managers connect with potential clients/employers as we get a lot of jobs and gigs for this role and ❷ grow a bigger network of people that creatives can collaborate/work with (eg, photographers, designers, agencies, etc.) through our Creative Profiles.

Update (March 15, 2024): We are no longer taking applications, but thank you for your interest!

Are you searching for creatives? Check out our directory.

Interested in a Creative Profile? Post one now for that yummy marketing SEO and potential clients!

Puno Puno