Made By DWC is looking for Volunteers

Made By DWC

is looking for Volunteers


Join Downtown Women’s Center’s social enterprise, MADE by DWC, at our pop-up shop at ROW DTLA from November 27 through December 25!

ROW DTLA is home to dining, shopping, lifestyle, and pop-ups across six buildings in Downtown Los Angeles; MADE by DWC is excited to set up shop in ROW’s space for the holiday season.

We are recruiting volunteers interested in staffing this pop-up shop and welcoming customers, selling MADE by DWC items, and opening or closing the space to visitors.

Shifts are available morning, afternoon, and evening, seven days per week; training and onboarding will be provided by DWC’s MADE team.

If you are interested in supporting this effort, log into the Volunteer Portal, navigate to the “opportunities” tab, and choose the “MADE by DWC @ ROW DTLA Volunteer” shift that fits with your schedule. Those who sign up will receive more detailed information about training and additional resources before their first shift.

If you have questions about this opportunity, please reach out to MADE’s Marketing Content Coordinator, Violet Overn, at

Jorge Del Pinal