Mammamyco seeks Social Media Creators


Seeks Social Media Creators


Mamammyco is a naturopathic lab that researches, develops and curates plant and fungi product that focuses on well-being and creativity.

Our first nootropic product focusing on sleep & dreams, is in its incubation period of launching along with a rebrand and multiple marketing strategies.

We are in dire need to find someone who can truly align with our brand's visual and verbal communication in order to create, produce, manage and grow our online community across multiples platforms.

Ideally this person will be more then a content creator but a silent partner in the business who wants to experience the birth of a brand and learn the steps of startup building along the way.

Being able to take initiative is key and we would be happy to nurture any business development skills, or ideas they may want to explore.

It would be a HUGE plus if you live in Texas specifically Houston so that we can work alongside at times.

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Ad c/o From the Quarter

Jorge Del Pinal