WeThem.Us Social Media Manager


is looking for a Social Media Manager


WeThem.Us is an independent creative collective challenging brands who want to explore their creative boundaries. We work alongside innovators and creators, showcasing alternative views and bridging generational narratives through multicultural perspectives. WeThem.Us highlights a spectrum of audiences that desire a shift in the human narrative to a more true representation of authenticity.

We are hiring a social media manager for a wellness brand based around science, nutrition, and activity

Social Media Management Tasks

  • Management includes scheduling and posting content.

  • The content strategy is meant for the team to stay ahead by creating 2-3 weeks worth of content. This allows for the team to stay present to adjust to real time concepts.

  • Analyze and evaluate social media campaigns and strategies

  • Report on effectiveness of campaigns

  • Monitor trends in social media

  • Monitor the activities of main competitors in social media

  • Monitor social space for brand and related topics and conversations

  • Understand how the social media impacts search traffic

The following social platforms will be our main posts of focus. With a spectrum of potential for the platform content creation, and engagement, both teams will work together to manage them. WTU will take the lead on creating content for the specified platforms, but the wellness brand will help manage certain platforms.

  • Insta

  • Facebook

  • Tik Tok

  • Clubhouse

  • Linkedin

  • Reddit

Community Engagement Tasks

  • Actively liking, resharing, commenting, and following

  • Brand advocacy

  • Curation & Quality Assurance

  • Social analytics report w. recommendations to move forward

  • Making sure that you focus on the right channels and activities. Creating user personas to target and helping the team to find tactics that lead to desired goals.

Overall Tasks

  • Social analytics report w. recommendations to move forward

  • Proposes new strategic partnerships

  • Guides malleable objectives to meet business needs and requirements

  • Define responsibilities and set a clear definition for the work, making sure that everyone understands the objectives. (make sure everyone is in the loop)

  • Evaluate the overall needs to access and help set priorities.

  • Articulate the business value to the client team.

  • Contractor may work from his business premises provide that appropriate confidentiality procedures and arrangements are observed.

  • Additional Services may be added by party by mutual agreement in writing


Weekly 30min - 1hr Zoom meetings. Both teams will have a master debrief, deliverable check-ins, and discuss potential strategy moving forward. The best way to amplify the process for the team is to be hands on.

To apply, email info@wethem.us. Include your CV and examples of accounts you've helped managed. Also, cubed or crushed ice?

Jorge Del Pinal