Hangover Easy food & beverageGina CovarrubiasSeptember 22, 2023Website, Generator, ABC Marfa, Next.js
Flings e-commerce, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasSeptember 10, 2023Website, Shopify, Garnett, Quick Marker, Agrandir
Sandy’s 🏆 student work, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasAugust 31, 2023Website, Ubuntu Mono, Cooper Nouveau, Squarespace 7.1
Seaharvest ✹ site of the week, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasAugust 16, 2023Website, Kirby, Monument Grotesk
Nobell Foods ✹ site of the week, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasJuly 5, 2023Website, Next.js, Mustank, Ribons
Boba Ice Cream food & beverageGina CovarrubiasJune 20, 2023Website, Founders Grotesk, Formula Condensed, Contentful
Mala Project ✹ site of the week, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasMay 24, 2023Website, Custom, ABC Helveesti, Rungli
A Hungry Society food & beverage, resourceGina CovarrubiasMay 16, 2023Website, Squarespace 7.1, Bayard, Essay
Mana Yerba Mate ✹ site of the week, e-commerce, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasMay 3, 2023Website, Shopify, Neue Montreal
Wooden Spoon Herbs e-commerce, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasMarch 24, 2023Website, Shopify, Rauschen B, Etna
Flask and Field e-commerce, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasMarch 17, 2023Website, DM Mono, Fraunces, Shopify
Popup Grocer ✹ site of the week, e-commerce, food & beverageGina CovarrubiasMarch 15, 2023Website, Shopify, Authentic Sans, GT Maru, ITC Garamond