Summary Block
Summary blocks are used to display collection pages of content that are pulled from blog posts, products, images, events, etc.
There are 4 kinds of summary block layouts:
Custom CSS
For style changes across multiple pages, add the code snippet to your Custom CSS panel and each page will be updated.
Advanced Code Injection
For style changes on one page, add the code snippet to the page Advanced Code Injection so only that page will be updated. Enclose your code in style brackets like this:
<style> .summary-title { } </style>
All Layouts
Custom CSS
To target the title
/* summary title */ .summary-title { }
To target the thumbnail
/* thumbnail */ .sqs-block-summary-v2 .img-wrapper img { }
To target the excerpt
/* excerpt */ .summary-excerpt { }
To target the summary header text
/* summary header text */ .summary-header-text { }
To target the read more link
/* read more link */ .summary-read-more-link { }
When pulling from an events page, to target the overlay date
/* event overlay: month */ .summary-thumbnail-event-date-month { } /* event overlay: day */ .summary-thumbnail-event-date-day { }
To target the different metadata
/* primary metadata */ .summary-metadata-primary { } /* secondary metadata */ .summary-metadata-secondary { } /* metadata: date */ .summary-metdata-item-date { } /* metadata: category */ .summary-metadata-item--cats { } /* metadata: tags */ .summary-metadata-item--tags { } /* metadata: author */ .summary-metadata-item--author { } /* metadata: location */ .summary-metadata-item--location { } /* metadata: comments */ .summary-metadata-item--comments { } /* metadata: event time (12hr) */ .event-time-12hr { } /* metadata: event time (24hr) */ .event-time-24hr { }
ilovecreatives ✹Evergreen Planner
Custom CSS
/* summary block - wall */ .sqs-gallery-design-autocolumns { }
Custom CSS
/* summary block - carousel */ .sqs-gallery-design-carousel { }
Custom CSS
/* summary block - list */ .sqs-gallery-design-list { }
/* summary block - grid */ .sqs-gallery-design-autogrid { }