Puno gives design tips and advice


0:00:00 - Puno goes over how to explore and find your design style. She uses Trophy student Tamara's 3.3 feedback video as an example. Watch the full video here: https://vimeo.com/654416746/01fdf9c6ca

0:14:34 - How Puno found her own design style.

0:19:07 - Anna asks what's the deal with buying fonts and using them in client work? If I bought a font, then a while later used it in a client website/design work etc, would I need to ask the client to buy the license too?

0:20:14 - Kyerra asks roughly, how many design styles (tiles)/mock-ups should you typically show a client?

0:22:39 - Gazala asks how to give good constructive design feedback?

0:32:51 - Cindy asks do you typically create the design tile for the home page and choose a style and then do the other pages?

0:33:40 - Elyse asks with fonts bought and licensed for websites, aren't there specifics about the number of views that the site gets that's included in the license? What number of views do you recommend for a license?

0:37:26 - Shelby asks how can you get certain elements (image blocks) to stick to the bottom of a section not the entire page?

0:49:51 - Diana asks how close do you have to get to the exact fonts for the inspo site?

0:58:04 - Kelsey asks can you add a wordpress blog to a squarespace website?

1:11:23 - Kyerra asks design wise do you prefer Figma/XD?

1:14:30 - Caroline Raco asks Puno if she has any good resources for Figma?

1:18:08 - Puno goes over Figma shortcuts.