Aubrey Page

I took the Video Creator Course. As a video producer at a brand, I wanted to be able to communicate more effectively with my editors and other members of the creative team. The Video Creator Course helped me more deeply understand the editing process, but the best (and unexpected!) side effect was the major improvement in my creative ideation at work and in my own personal creative endeavors.

I love the freedom this course grants to go to really deep reaches of yourself to find your next idea. It feels akin to the Artist's Way, but at the end of it, you have a video! Making one thing was the best way to get excited about making something else. Creativity is so often a domino effect, and this course helped me set them off. Rachel's creative process workbook is a magical thing. I regularly refer to it when preparing for projects at work and beyond.

My advice for anyone looking to take this course is don't be so hard on yourself - this course throws a lot at you and fast, but at the end of the day, you just have to make something. It's the only way to get better!

Video Creator Course Student