Gina Covarrubias

Finance Friends (changed me) Forever!!!

Having a background in finance, I was feeling extra embarrassed to open up my accounts. I knew I wouldn’t be too happy with what I was working with. After years of helping other people figure their $#!@ out, here I was running, no sprinting, away from my own.

Talking about my finances seemed daunting! I was already in the debt hole and it kinda felt too late.

I decided to take this course because I knew I could do better. This wasn’t my first rodeo when it came to credit debt. I knew this time around had to be different. I needed to change my mindset around money management, so that this would be my last time down here!

After having taken the Video Creator Course, I knew that Finance Friends Forever would be very resourceful with a super cute interface but most importantly, be a judge free zone!

Both instructors, Caroline and Puno are such a breath of fresh air when it came down to learning the ins and outs of the money world! In the past, when having the money talk with other financial advisors, they’d tend to give me the whole lecture in lingo I didn’t even understand, instead Caroline breaks down terms like “debt consolidation” and “retirement planning” in a way that is still so FUN and a total conversation!

Caroline helped me take a step back and see my finances for what they are — not something to be afraid of! While for many years I had Donna Summer’s “She Works Hard for the Money” playing in the back of my mind while I worked 2 or 3 jobs at a time, still living paycheck to paycheck, Caroline & Puno reinvented my mindset. Money management doesn’t have to be that exhausting. Actually, my money could work for me! Through budgeting insights, income growth strategies and even retirement planning, I think the song should actually sing, “The Money Works Hard for Her!”

Now, I can’t lie, this course has had some challenges. The biggest challenge for me personally was finally opening up the dusty ‘ole book called Credit Karma! The word “karma” alone didn’t make it easy because I knew I’d made some questionable choices. (lol) Luckily, this course offers an entire community on Discord that were there to back me up and be my support system.

Full transparency, this girl is still working her way out of the hole and my goal is with the help of this course to make it up to the top. It’s not easy and I’ve had to make some sacrifices (like moving back home with my parents and getting a second job.) I cut up that damn credit card and started saving from the bottom up. I know it will all be worth it when I am debt free and opening up a conversation about money to my family so they too can learn it’s not something we need to keep running away from.

Here are some pieces of advice for the person reading this that is kinda wanting to get into it but needs a lil push….

If you are feeling lost when it comes down to your finances and feel like maybe you can get away with figuring it out on your own because that sounds easier than facing the fact that you don’t even know where to start, just remember… I worked in a credit union for years, and I even needed some extra support.

If you are thinking, “Actually…. I would love to take the course, but I am already in debt, so isn’t paying $375 going to make it worse?” Umbbb yea, probably. Don’t pull the trigger just yet and instead, save for it! A little money here, a little money there, one less caramel frap from starbies and before you know it you will have just enough for the course. Duh, I would love to talk to a new fellow student about this course, but also… my new money habits taught me to save for things instead!

Oh! And if you are a current student that just needs to get back into it, I feel that! Take it a day at a time and really process what you are learning. Don’t feel like you need to rush through it just to say you got it done. Money management is like a muscle that needs to be worked on regularly, so just take your time. But, when you are ready and feeling like you can start back up, then get into it! Play it in the car, or in the shower while you’re conditioning out those knots. Maybe even while you’re in the toilet after that morning coffee, we’ve all been there – no shame! It’s as easy as listening to a podcast or an audible, so no excuses, your mental health will thank you for it later.

Well ok, this testimonial is getting a lil long, and like I said, I have not even finished the course yet, so I can’t wait to see what else I get into… or better yet, what I stop getting into (AKA credit card debt )

Finance Friends Forever Course Student