Hannah Buckler

I took the Video Creator Course. I had an idea for turning written research into a visual format and knew that aesthetic was really important to me. I've watched and loved Rachel Nguyen's videos for years, so when I saw that she had partnered with ilovecreatives to make this course, I knew it would be exactly what I was looking for.

I felt intimidated to start the editing part of the course, thinking about ideas felt fun and in my comfort zone but the idea of trying to make those ideas a reality in PremierePro, a program I had never used before, felt very scary. But actually, I loved it! I learned that the technical elements that I thought I would find difficult or boring were actually just as fun and that there was so much space for creativity within this technical process. Following Puno's tutorials made everything so simple and I feel really confident using Premiere after only a couple of months on the software.

I loved the course assets, simple things like having the keyboard shortcuts has made a HUGE difference to my experience of using PremierePro. It really felt like the course was designed to teach you the skills you'll actually need for using the software. Instead of overwhelming students with loads of technical information, it felt very focused on how real people actually use PP and I loved that, because I tend to tune out when watching video tutorials but the ilovecreatives course was engaging and made me want to learn more.

I would highly recommend taking the Video Creator Course. The first time I opened PremierePro I thought there was no way I would be able to use it, now I do it easily and rarely have to refer back to the course materials.

I have a whole new skill! I feel confident making a range of videos and understanding the technical side of creating a video has also influenced the way I think creatively about image making, for the better!