Khadija Horton

Graphic Designer / Illustrator

New York City, NY
instagram @khadijahorton


Q What do you do?

I’m a visual storyteller. I utilize my design skillset of collage, illustration, typography and photography to create art that conveys a story/narrative behind a brand, article, band, event… you name it!

Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?

I attended Pratt Institute and received a Bachelor’s degree in Communications Design with an emphasis in Illustration. Upon graduation, I landed a job at Cosmopolitan Magazine where I currently work full-time.

Q How do you stand out in your field?

I play with the old and the new. I love to incorporate a nod to classics while updating it for a newer generation. I also let my inner kid come out when designing. I like to make things that a younger version of myself would have geeked out about.

Q What are you working on right now?

Finding the time to make art just for pleasure again.

Q What’s your style?

I have my favorite bits of every era. I love films from the 60s and editorial design from the 90s. I'm love referencing 80s and early aughts editorial photography. Unfortunately—or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, I haven’t created my best work yet. Here’s where I’d like to arrive someday...

Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?

Definitely photography. It’s something I did a lot of in college that I loved and I had so much fun storytelling through that medium.

Q What is frustrating you right now?

Simply not enough hours in the day :/

Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?

Personal chef all the way.

Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?

Remember when you prayed for what you have now. Be as present as possible... in a year nothing will look the same.


Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?

Directing! I want to delve into the world of making short films.

Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?

I’d love to help build a brand identity, design or illustrate a campaign, contribute to a cool indie mag, and/or design a concert poster! I'd like to work for a client with an engaging and exciting story to tell—ideally in the fashion, beauty, wellness or music space!

Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.

Creative directing a campaign for a youthful brand!

Q What is your rate?

Truly depends! Email me and we'll work something out :)

Q How should someone approach you about working together?

Carrier pigeon, Candygram, message in a bottle (please include tiny hammer), or an email at with your budget and scope! :)


Q Who is a creative you admire?

Aitana Cantu — She’s a sick designer with an amazing eye for typography, editorial design, and bookmaking! Not to mention she taught herself blender—which basically makes her a wizard.

Margie Rischiotto — She’s super smart, equally talented. Hit her up for some cool weird art or—ya know, if you wanna take over the world…;)

Sabrina Kaune — She is the sweetest, most kindest person you will ever meet and she designs the coolest merch and concert posters around over at Bravado.

Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?

Revisit an old obsession.

This member profile was originally published in May 2024.