Suze Myers
Q What do you do?
“I’m a graphic designer and art director building brands and websites for small businesses, entrepreneurs, creatives who fly solo, and everyone in between. In addition to branding and websites, I also love publication and book design, and always hop at the chance to tackle any kind of print project — ditto for on set art direction.”
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
I studied art history at Barnard College, then went to grad school in the UK at London College of Communication. It was there that I got really into print-based processes (LCC was originally a printing school!) and learned a lot about typography in particular. After graduating, I was hired as a designer at Crunch Fitness, where I eventually ran the creative team for two years before starting my own freelance business. Since launching on my own, I’ve worked with clients on everything from design for social media to user acquisition to merch, and now am focusing on big picture branding and websites.
Q How do you stand out in your field?
I want this process to be fun, with fun results! The early stages of developing a brand identity should feel like play. Even if my client is not a creative themselves, I really encourage them to think creatively and imaginatively when dreaming of what their brand looks and feels like. The sky is the limit here!
Q What are you working on right now?
I'm working on the branding and website for a close friend who is a very colorful, feminine nail artist. She started the project as a side hustle five years ago and is very much in demand now, so we're really excited to level it up.
Q What’s your style?
My approach is playful, imaginative, and rooted in history and context. I love doing research into the design history of the particular industry of whatever project I'm working on at the time, and connecting the new brand to a long-standing visual grammar. A good example of this is the branding I did for Long Future Farms, a regenerative agroforestry project in upstate New York. I combined a patchwork of 19th century botanical illustrations with contemporary typography to emphasize the farm’s ethos of approaching the future (and climate change) by looking to the centuries-old land-use practice of silvopasture.
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
I'd love to design a brand top to bottom, beyond just the initial brand system and website — I'm thinking print ephemera, merch, a full branded experience that exists out in the real world.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
I love the Austin Kleon quote that says “creative people need time to sit around and do nothing.” I know this is true for myself (and everyone, to be honest!), but in a world that’s all about productivity and efficiency, some days it’s hard not to beat myself up sitting still for a while.
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
It's tempting to say something business-admin related, but the truth is that I would love for someone to make me a really delicious, nutritious lunch every day, the kind you get at one of those cafes in LA where you're like, "oh my god, how can something this tasty actually make my body feel this good?" On a real plate, not in a cardboard bowl. I feel like I could probably do anything if I ate like that every day.
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
I wish I could tell my 16 year old self that one day I’d be a working creative, living in Brooklyn with my best friend. And then I wish I could bring my 16 year old self here, to the present day, to remind me that despite all the imposter syndrome, bookkeeping headaches, and self-doubt that comes with running your own creative business, I’m living her dang dream!
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
How to make the perfect croissant!
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
Branding and identity projects, websites from scratch or revamped, projects for clients who have a singular vision and are ready to invest in bringing it to life. Also very excited about any project that needs art direction done, get me back on set!
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
My ideal client is either another creative person who flies solo, or a small business or entrepreneur who has an idea that’s ready to exist IRL. I’m looking for people who have a real devotion to what they do. Maybe they’ve worked in the corporate world for a while, and this is the side hustle they’re finally taking full time. Or maybe they figured out that they’re really good at filling a very niche gap, and they want to offer it to the world. They’re ready to take the plunge and level up, and they’re betting on themselves. I want to help support that kind of gusto!
Project-wise, I love anything having to do with food and bev. I’d also love to work with a small hotel or B&B one day, design everything from the logo system to the welcome pamphlet to the little chocolate on the pillow. 🍫
Q What is your rate?
Branding projects typically start at $4000 and web projects at $6000. I also offer a website day rate for $1000 —you book me for a day, and I come in and clean up your fonts, colors, layouts, etc. of your website. It’s perfect for people with existing sites who want to zhuzh things up a bit but don’t need an entirely new site from scratch.
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
Fill out the contact form on my website!
Q Who is a creative you admire?
I love how Ainsley Romero’s work spans across media while still feeling like an exploration of graphic design as a field. Katie Merchant’s substack is a wonderful place for all the gentle things she notices; her particular eye for color and texture is so fascinating to me! Natasha Picowicz is the pastry queen whose culinary compositions (and writing) are endlessly inspiring.
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
Noticing the designed world all around me.
This member profile was originally published in May 2024