Viktoria Lange
Q What do you do?
“I’m a graphic designer! ”
That means a few things. I am obsessed with visual clarity in communication, meaning I am always asking, “why should someone look at this?” I also ask the question, “is this legible/accessible?” a lot. It is my job to make sure ideas are being communicated in ways that appeal to the target audience. I also research a lot before I create, because I want to make sure I know that audience really well! All of this applies to the creation of brands, logos, illustrations, print materials, and digital assets which we all use everyday.
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
I am the ultimate “slashie.” I have always been an artist, doodling away. In college and grad school I studied theater, with the intention to teach young adults in higher education someday. But then Covid hit. I found myself turning to visual art and ideas more and more, and wanting to create in ways that could make an impact on someone (without a performance, that is!). I started learning more and more about design, and finally pursued a full-time intensive course with Shillington Education in NYC.
Q How do you stand out in your field?
I’ve been told my work is both deeply “me” and yet also has a chameleon’s way of shifting to suit the target audience. I think that comes again from my nerdery; I love love love to research, and so in many ways I take on the “character” of the target audience for a time (she is a former theater kid, after all!)
Q What are you working on right now?
Freelance projects, making new friends and contacts in the industry, up-skilling some more (helllooooo AfterEffects!), and doing some design challenges on Instagram.
Q What’s your style?
Check ‘em out @ viktorialange.desgin ! I don’t think I have a one particular style, and I admire so many different styles that I tend to tailor them to the project at hand. I do, however, love the mix of something handmade with something clearly digital. A handmade graphic element goes a long way for me!
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
Illustration is a great love of mine. I go to a different place when I’m illustrating, it’s like a mini vacation…but also hard work! I love that mix.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
Despite living a life so reliant on all things digital…I can’t stand what it’s done to the job search. I just want to talk to a real human and connect with them, and maybe ask their favorite coffee order…you know, nice human stuff. Overall I think I could do with spending some time away from my computer and out in nature!
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Food shopping, hands down. I love to cook, but dealing with the food shopping takes the joy out of it.
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
Advice from Now Me to Early College Me: See a therapist, even if you feel like “you don’t need it,” because you do have some anxiety and you’re holding yourself back from some really cool opportunities because of it!
(ps, still anxious because the world is what it is these days, but now I’m really good at recognizing it.)
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
Languages. They shape so much of who we are and what we do…in hindsight I probably should’ve taken a linguistic anthropology class.
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
I would be so excited to work in-house with a pet industry client! I am a dog mama to a rather sensitive pooch, so I feel like I’ve tried it all and seen a lot of funky marketing in the pet industry. Also, how cool would it be to help make that industry more sustainable? That would be my jam, for sure. But I am also very intrigued by the design studios taking on big social issues, like Blue State and Madeo.
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
Something with pets, or kids (love me some education), or nonprofits.
Q What is your rate?
My hourly for freelance starts at $55-60, give or take depending on clients’ needs. I can provide a more detailed breakdown/bundle services, but since it is always so personal to the client, it’s best to reach out!
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
My website ( or my email (, and let me know your regular coffee/tea order!
Q Who is a creative you admire?
Jocie Juritz, animator and multidisciplinary artist (She takes her ideas all the way to the extent that they can go, and I love that).
Cait Dorombrozo (another Shillington alum whose work really inspired me to enroll in the course)
So many more…so cruel to choose!
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
Wake up to the day with curiosity and take joy from the mundane.
This member profile was originally published in August 2022.