Finding Stillness

Finding Stillness:

Integrative Coaching to Awaken the Dreamer


Integrative Coaching to support dreamers and creatives to connect deeply with themselves, so they can uncover and share their gifts with the world.

Are you longing for something, but aren’t sure what that is?

Are you wishing for more clarity, direction, or a deeper connection to your intuition?

Do you sense that you’re here to do something bigger or different, yet you can’t seem to find your way to it?

Or perhaps you know exactly what you want to do, but you find yourself perpetually stuck in the dreaming stage, unable to move forward and into creation.

Working together you’ll learn to:

  1. Befriend the fears that are holding you back

  2. Build trust in your intuition and the guidance that is within and all around you

  3. Create a foundation of strength and trust that will carry you on the path toward the creation of your dreams

All the answers you’ve been seeking are already inside of you, but you don’t have to uncover them alone.

In the supportive container of the coaching partnership, we'll dive deep through powerful questions, self-inquiry, and mindset work. We'll loosen the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back and rebuild a far more supportive landscape within you.

And, because you will be the one designing, planting, and tending to all of the seeds of change within you, your revitalized inner landscape will be one that is perfectly attuned to nurture you and your unique needs, desires, and dreams.

Let's journey together.

Jorge Del Pinal