

The future of storytelling


Who are we without our stories?

Our stories define the ways of how we learn, how we create, and how we live. So many narratives often go unheard and are smothered by a lack of opportunity – but this is a new era.

My name is Jasmine Lewis and I am working to shift the current state of storytelling by building a movement, called Talmbat™, to empower the stories of those who are underrepresented, such as women and non-binary people of color, people who are impoverished, people with disabilities, the LGBTQIA+ community, and various other people whose stories are often not seen or heard.

I want to build this community with YOU! I would love to hear about your thoughts on storytelling (through any and every form of art) and your dream space of community.

Let's start building the future of storytelling together!

Jorge Del Pinal