The Inner Well Presents: Navigating Creative Death and Rebirth with the Akashic Records

The Inner Well Presents:

Navigating Creative Death and Rebirth with the Akashic Records


The Inner Well presents a spiritual practice and ritual that will help you reframe your view of your creativity and creative block/burnout. It's Thursday, 11/4 at 5pm MST with a limited-time replay going out after if you can't make it live. Look at the important note and supplies listed below. Full deets👇🏽

Our lives as creative people and as creators are constantly in flux. Even if we don't identify as creatives in the art world sense, most of us make a living by making something happen (creating). Maybe you're a creator of opportunity, like a curator or talent scout. Maybe you're a creator of order, like an administrator or logistics specialist. As an engineer and spiritualist, I like to think of myself as a creator/bridge of possibility 😎

What we experience as a creative block is a transition period, a death and coming rebirth for us to witness. Sounds cool, sure, but the change to our familiar process of creation is still messy and uncomfortable. We can start to doubt our talent and our abilities, or wonder if we've used up our creative juice (not possible, btw.)

Our creative spark is just like us: constantly in flux. Sometimes we need to re-learn how to nurture and work with it. I like to do this with the Akashic Records. Through them, I can connect with my creative spark and learn how to fuse what I want to achieve with what it wants to show me.

Join me this Thursday, November 4th at 5pm MST for Navigating Creative Death and Rebirth with the Akashic Records: A magical meditative journey + ritual for navigating creative death and rebirth (aka the dreaded creative block).

Unfamiliar with the Records? All good! We'll spend a bit of time talking about them before we get started. You can think of the Akashic Records as a realm of infinite possibility. They give us healing energy, support, and data (literally all my favorite tings.) The best part is: you don't have to know everything about them before you can work with them and you don't have to do anything. You show up, and I'll open the door.

Important note: no mind-altering substances, including booze and weed, for at least 24 hours before going on the journey. This isn't a judgment! But connecting with the Akasha is a delicate energetic shift. You need to be as clear and present with your natural vibration as possible.

During this workshop, you'll experience:

  • An introduction to the Akashic Records (how they work and why we're working with them)

  • A pre-meditation space clearing

  • A grounding meditation to connect with our heart center and anchor ourselves

  • A meditative journey to the Akashic Records to re-connect to our creative spark (you'll get a version of this meditation to keep after our time together)

  • A ritual to release attachments to dead ways (our well-worn paths and processes that no longer work for us) and allow ourselves to anchor a new way.


You'll need a couple of things for the ritual. Don't stretch yourself more than needed. We love a make-it-work moment.

  • A couple of pieces of paper or a journal you're fine with ripping sheets out of. Have a few used sheets in the recycle bin? Write on the back of 'em.

  • Two candles: one white and one black. Use what's accessible: birthday candles, chimes candles, etc., all work fine! Just make sure it's something that'll burn within a couple of hours within your sight.

  • A fire-safe container. I use a glass mixing bowl.

  • Matches or a lighter.

Can't make it live? Sign up and a limited-time replay will be sent out afters 😎

Jorge Del Pinal