ilovecreatives Job Directory: Social Media Manager
ilovecreatives Job Directory: Social Media Manager
Your field guide to kickstart a career in social media.
Most of us use social media personally every day (unless you’re digital detoxing ← mad respect 👊). We watch funny videos, post footage of our lives, and send memes to all our friends. If social media is your hobby, you’ve probably already thought to yourself: “Maybe…I could do this for…my job?”
There are so many entry points to a meaningful career in digital marketing, and it can be tough to know if you’d be better suited for social media vs. copywriting vs. graphic design. (That is a-okay, by the way! We’re all figuring it out as we go.) Social media is a highly desired and potentially career-defining option, and—perhaps most importantly—it’s a field where creativity is encouraged.
But before you go all in, our guide breaks down what it’s like to work in social media—whether you land at a big brand or start by building a company’s social from the ground up. Think of this Social Media Manager Job Directory✹ as a primer.
We polled real-world creatives and social media darlings to demystify their day jobs and slashie side gigs, so you can go into applying or career-pivoting armed with as much info as humanly possible.
We’ll get into:
💸 Salary projections & what to expect
What sets a good social media manager apart from a great, expert mode social superstar
Skills you need to land your first role or client in social media
A glimpse into the daily life of real-world social media professionals from brands like Glossier and Reformation
Winding paths and possible trajectories to advance your career (future CMO? maaaaybe)
Why We Made This
A Note from ilovecreatives

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a crystal ball where you could predict what career is right for you, and how you’d structure your days before you sign that offer letter sitting in your inbox? This Job Directory✹ isn’t exactly clairvoyance, but it’s also not NOT a little clairvoyant. Or as close as we can get. 🔮
Maybe you’re debating if social media is the job for you. Or you’re intrigued by creating content on the side, but unsure if it needs to be your day job. You want a taste of what it takes to be a truly great social media manager—the kind that helps shape and define how brands are perceived.
We talked to full-time social media pros working at companies like Reformation and Glossier, and others who DIY-ed their path. They’ve gone on to start Substacks with thousands of subscribers, build their own businesses, and become sought-after independent consultants.
If there’s one thing you take away from this Job Directory✹, it’s that there are many ways to succeed as a social media manager.
Who is this directory for?
If you’re naturally good at social media, it might feel like a path you’d take as your j-o-b. You might have an inclination for storytelling or an eye for the aesthetic. Maybe you love connecting with people and generally consider yourself a digital extrovert. If this is ringing any bells, social media just might be the career for you. First, what are you looking for?
What’s Inside:
🎙 Conversations with social media managers and professionals of all stripes—solopreneurs, consultants, and full-time SMMs
Read juicy interviews with social media managers who have a wide array of experiences. Some are personal content creators on top of working in social full-time. Others specialize in partnerships or PR. Some start their own brand studios or live the freelance life.
🔎 An overview of salaries, career paths, and the overall job outlook
Get a sense of what you can charge, fair salaries, and the going rates as you progress—whether you’re doing social in house or freelancing.
💖 Advice on pivoting to social media and an honest look at the challenges of this field
No path is perfect. You’ll get a peek behind the curtain on how social media managers protect their (digital) boundaries, stay creative when making lots of content, and find meaningful community online and IRL.