Puno answers questions about web design preferences
02:59 What’s the difference between Regular colors vs Alternate colors in Site Styles (7.0)?
07:11 Which Wacom pen does Puno use (and her desk set-up)?
12:25 Are you supposed to resize all photos before uploading them onto a blog page or can you have the images be resized through CSS?
17:32 Puno recommends her ideal pixel size for images on websites
19:30 Is it possible to sell a physical product and when someone purchases the product they also get a digital files as an extra?
28:14 Does Squarespace ever remove typefaces from its offering? If so, what responsibility do you have as a designer to preface this to your client?
30:00 ✹FAQ: Is it legal to copy other people’s code? Where do you draw the line between learning by borrowing vs. copying?
35:28 Can H1s be smaller than H2s in font-size? Is this an okay SEO practice?
37:44 Does Puno start designing websites outside of Squarespace first (i.e. Photoshop, Figma) or just dives right into SS? Does she provide input to the client on number of pages to include, content flow, etc?
47:36 Why do some people prefer Adobe XD over Figma to wireframe websites?
54:49 Is it the website designer's responsibility to inform and educate clients on legal parts of the website? Example: Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Cookies Banners, Copyright