Puno answers freelancing and portfolio questions


1:26 ✹FAQ: How many clients should I take on per month?

9:55 Asking a client to do the Site & Content Inventory during the sales process

12:20 How Puno used the archive block to create ilovecreatives’ Creative Directory page

18:39 How to determine what kind of work to put on your portfolio?

23:44 Creating MLS listings for a client website

35:44 ✹FAQ: How do I start transitioning into web design freelancing when I’ve been doing something completely different so far?

37:59 ✹FAQ: Puno’s process working with contractors on a client project

44:27 When to set up Sole Proprietorship as a freelancer

59:06 Maintaining desktop view on mobile view

1:02:40 Ways to add tables or spreadsheets onto websites

1:08:01 What’s expected on a Brand Guideline

1:10:43 How much custom code is too much for a client?

1:26:10 Will Squarespace 7.0 ever be removed?

1:29:23 How to find out and implement a font from an inspo site (SDC 1.0, Level 3.2)