Anna Lange

Squarespace Design Course Student

This course blew me away! During the last decade, I worked with WordPress which annoyed me increasingly. I like the clean-looking Squarespace websites and decided to learn the fundamentals thoroughly - so glad I have found Puno's course. For weeks and months (and many hours) I struggled with the 3.3 website but pushed through thanks to the resources section and the slack community. Puno’s and Gabriel’s constructive critiques are so helpful - their detailed review gave me a better understanding of the design process. This is so helpful - to get a detailed review of the website. I changed the things they mentioned and now I love the site - it now has the clean look I like so much. I am so happy and motivated to apply what I have learned in the course and get better in designing, CSS and developing a keen eye on margins, paddings, fonts, sizes… Thank you for this well-structured course.