Haley Kim

I took the Graphic Design Course as my first foray into the design world. I wanted to learn about design in a fun environment where I felt that the instructors' style matched my own and made me excited to try something new. It was a no brainer when I found ilovecreatives.

Through the course I gained a real appreciation for process and design thinking, not just beautiful design. When you create thoughtful concept with design justified decisions, that's how you create something that not only looks good but also is well thought out and actually fulfills the brief.

My favorite thing about the course was being able to get direct feedback from the instructors and fellow classmates. Both Sarah and Mindy gave stellar feedback that pushed my designs and I loved being able to chat with other people going through the course on discord for advice, pep talks and just general questions. The people in this community are just the best.

I would say that this course is great and you definitely get out what you put in. I think that being able to lean on your community and instructors for feedback is a huge plus, so don't forget to utilize them! Also, don't be gentle with yourself and don't be too precious with your work to start--design is a collaborative and iterative process. It'll take time to get where you're going!

I was able to put together my website and portfolio and felt confident enough to take on a paying freelance clients, which is something that would've really intimidated me before taking this course. I also developed a huge appreciation and love of design and it's given me the confidence to fully pivot and purse a full time design career.

Graphic Design Course