Madison Harwell

I took "Finance Friends Forever" from ilovecreatives to address my student debt and lack of budgeting for my freelance endeavors. Also, it's taught in an audio format by Puno and Caroline so I was able to fit it into my busy schedule listening in the car. They use humor to teach all aspects of finance and portfolios which was a must for me. Also, it came with access to an insane amount of game-changing materials, like their workbook and several tools like the hourly rate calculator.

The course has transformed my perspective on finance, helping me overcome what I thought would be crippling debt and has alleviated the stress on me and enabling me to save effectively. It's truly been a life-changer! My credit score went from the FICO Fair level to Very Good in a massive jump of 112 points. All because of this course and the education they provided!!

My absolute favorite thing about "Finance Friends Forever" is how Puno and Caroline combine hilarious anecdotes to break down complex financial concepts. Who knew Keanu Reeves would come to the rescue and help me get out of my student debt? They’ve been around the block and have seen a thing or two so they gave me every tip, trick, and cheat sheet in the book so I didn’t have to fail on my way own to get their hard learned knowledge. I usually fall asleep anytime a conversation takes a turn to investing and portfolios but Puno and Caroline made the content not only interesting but fun. I never thought I’d be able to enjoy a financial literacy course but their humor and relatable examples made it so helpful and was truly worth every penny.

If you're thinking about taking "Finance Friends Forever," just go for it! The course is not only entertaining but also empowering. The humorous approach brought so much levity to a difficult topic will help you understand finance in a way you never thought possible.Embrace the stories, engage with the materials, and get ready for a life-changing learning journey. They met me where I was at, and have changed my life. Also, you have access at anytime to ask Caroline questions in their Discord which is an insane value included, and there’s no limit to her as resource.

Finance Friends Forever Course Student