Robyn Hunt

Squarespace Design Course Graduate 🏆

Check out Robyn’s Level 3 custom site:

I've absolutely loved this course. I came into it having a basic understanding of Squarespace and CSS, but I knew my skill level was nowhere near where I wanted it to be to level up my own site and start offering Squarespace web design as a service. The course levels break down the learning process into manageable chunks, and the support from the ilovereatives team and other course members on the Discord channel is worth its weight in gold. Having someone be able to take a look at your work and offer advice or solutions when you're creatively stuck or just can't figure out the code was great. This isn't some static, work-on-your-own kind of course, it's a whole community of creatives. I would recommend this course to anyone considering offering Squarespace web design as a service or even just wanting to learn more to do their own site.