Wendy Zhang

The mini 3D world and aesthetic that Alex creates for ilovecreatives is such a joy. I’ve been working with Cinema 4D for sometime but I want to try to use Blender since it is free and open source. I was trying to piece together multiple YT videos together and stumbling all over.

A lot of the 3D Blender tutorial content is geared towards a style that did not speak to me. I didn't realise how much of a mental block that was until I started doing the course which invited such a playful fun world. The course not only gave me technical skills for 3D but also really encouraged me to play around with an aesthetic that felt true to me.

I really loved that I could trust the course to give me a solid foundation to confidently use Blender on my own. Previously, I was learning 3D stringing together so many unconnected YouTube tutorials but I realised there were a lot of gaps in what I was doing. The level of detail that Alex condenses down in a fun teaching style blew my mind. He really helps you understand what you are doing, rather than mindlessly clicking buttons.

Learning 3D can feel scary. However, the course breaks everything down and explains it so well. Take the course with a playful and curious mind. You will feel so many possibilities open up and be amazed with what you can create.

Being able to open the 3D program and not feel intimidated by it but feel excited for all the things I can make now. It feels like such a creative launching pad.

3D Blender Course Graduate 🏆