Emma Storm

I jumped off the cliff and left my full-time Art Director role in August to return back to my marketing and design studio. I've created a few dozen Squarespace client sites throughout my freelance career, and have always wanted to learn how to take certain native features a step further while gaining confidence in my ability to read code and work with CSS in a manageable way for myself and clients. A pain point had been taking that little extra something something in my head for a web project and being able to build it online.

What motivated me to take this course was the targeted ad I received; it felt like it was talking directly to me. As Puno flew across my screen, in an instant I knew I was meant to sign-up. And while of course, the course is an investment, I really admired that this wasn't a $$$$$ course promising the world and more, but an actual community offering a personable experience. As a self-taught designer, I wanted to see inside what being led through a curriculum would be like. I'm glad I did.

Squarespace Design Course Graduate 🏆