April Frazier
Q What do you do?
“I am a lane changer. ”
I was a female technologist, who wrote code and lead software development teams for 18 years before realizing that my true passion is in serving others through coaching. It was a complete lane change for me – a scary one – and it was a journey that changed my life forever because it gave me perspective on who I really am and what my true strengths and abilities are.
Now, I help creative entrepreneurs reinvent themselves, translating their skills from one discipline to another, and learning to turn their weaknesses into strengths so that they can powerfully engage and lead the world on their own terms.
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
I've loved hard, failed a lot, questioned my own skills and abilities, failed some more. Then I got my heart broken. In the chaos of love-recovery, I experienced what I call The Great Awakening, in which I discovered myself and how I'm uniquely aligned to create an impact in the lives of others. It was the most terrible-wonderful experience of my life to date. And it freed me to authorize and accept my truth and my unique path.
Q How do you stand out in your field?
I believe that the answers that you seek are already here. You have the question because you have the answer. When you are feeling stuck, it could be because you haven't learned how to authorize and recognize your truth. I stand out in my field because my focus is to provide you tools and guidance to uncover what's right for you but tuning into your body, intuition, and truth.
For many years, I neglected my unique strengths because I couldn't justify them logically and rationally. I struggled with feeling like an imposter. I didn't believe in intuition or anything that I couldn't quantify and qualify with metrics that "made sense". My first profession as a software developer was a symptom of this because I rejected the creative in me in favor of the techie in me. The truth is: I am both.
But, I was in hiding, struggling to notice my strengths, riddled with comparison, sitting down energetically when I was feeling called to stand and lead. I have learned to stand in my power.
Now, I help others stand out by standing up.
Q What are you working on right now?
I'm currently creating and enrolling two courses: 1) a group coaching program for first-time founders to take their idea from concept to cash and collect their first receipts and 2) a one-on-one guidance program for women who desire to find themselves and return home to their truest, highest-vibrational self where there is peace and deep contentment with who she really is at essence.
Q What’s your style?
My energetic avatar: caramel brown girl with wild curly hair, big hoops, yellow linen dress with flowers on it, red lips, and oversized cat-eye shades (preferably, Thierry Lasry :-). She reads Lula magazine, paints regularly, prefers off-the-beaten path and ecologically responsible travel, speaks 4 languages, hosts a regular tea date with her squad, and pretzels with her husband on most mornings before a daily workout that puts her in high-vibe energy to show up and serve others until she reconvenes with her family for dinner
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
I coach. If there were no money involved, I would coach.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
It's time for me to hire help in my business but I'm not quite there where I feel comfortable doing so. It's scary to let someone else watch your baby! But, I'm working on getting help to get help to let go.
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Client on-boarding and community management. Also, podcast and video editing engineer.
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
Oooh. I love this question. Here are few things:
1. Stop saying "I'm ok" when you are not.
2. He will not be the one to stay. But, you are going to be ok. Let him go.
3. In the chaos of calamity, look for the collateral beauty.
4. Your mom is not you. Own this.
5. Release others to their own choices.
6. Stand in your power.
7. Stop looking for someone else's permission to be yourself.
8. Your strengths are rare and they are the very reason that you are here.
This is all advice that I would give my 20-something self. I spent so much time trying to be like everyone else and trying to fix others. It was exhausting. But, the journey was full of lessons.
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
Professional Creative Writing
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
I am looking for:
1) Creative Entrepreneur clients who are struggling to show up and create their business
2) Referral partners, someone with a strong network in a similar (but not identical) space with whom we can share a symbiotic business relationship.
3) Podcast guest appearances
4) Speaking engagements
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
1) A client who is committed to the future that they desire to create, knows that they need help, and is ready to take massive action with guided support.
2) A podcast host or organization with a strong emphasis on helping others to step out of the shadows and create an impact on the world. I'd love to create some unique and magical with them in service to their audience!
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
Reach out to me via DM and tell me what you would love greater confidence to accomplish.
Q Who is a creative you admire?
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
Take rest when needed / to travel is to create / death to the hustle
This member profile was originally published in October 2021.