Isobel Griffin
Creative Copywriter / Brand Messaging Strategist
Vancouver, BC, CAN
instagram @isobel.griffin
Q What do you do?
“I write eye-catchingly-good web copy that sounds like you and gets your biz discovered.”
Whether you’re craving a witty tagline that makes you snort-laugh, a deeply personal founder story, or a high-conversion sales page, emotional storytelling is what makes your messaging leave a lasting impression.
Q What steps did you take to get to where you are now?
Storytelling is what made writing a 100+ page thesis possible for me in graduate school. By combining a heavy dose of research with emotional narratives, I learned that even dull historic events can strike at the core of readers.
After completing my Master’s, I spent several years writing and editing for non-profits, authors, and consulting firms before zoning in on the types of partnerships that light me up - creative entrepreneurs who are ready to be their genuine selves while kicking ass at their biz.
Q How do you stand out in your field?
My balance of SEO strategy and emotional storytelling resonates with creatives. Entrepreneurs come to me because they want to connect with their audience, share their story, AND make Google love their biz!
Plus convos with me feel like catching up with an old friend over coffee. We’ll chat latest travel adventures, honest business advice, and what our dogs got into on the weekend.
Q What are you working on right now?
Whenever I get to do full-blown web copy for good-hearted adventurers, I’m livingggggg! Lately, I’ve had an influx of therapists looking for copywriting and a batch of clients returning for fully-optimized sales pages.
Q What’s your style?
My own style is uplifting, honest, and more than a little cheeky. I also strike a balance between sharing my personal life and vulnerabilities while protecting my own energy and privacy. But one of my favourite parts of copywriting is adopting my client’s voice when writing for them. Edgy, soft, professional, goofy…it’s all about them, their audience, and their goals.
Q Out of all your slashies, which one do you wish you could do more often?
Brand messaging strategy! I see so many businesses invest in branding (which is SUPER important), but then they bypass their voice, messaging, and communication style.
Not every entrepreneur out there needs a professional copywriter or is in a spot to hire one, but dialing in on their brand messaging is one way to make a tangible difference in their communication without investing $$$$$.
Q What is frustrating you right now?
Feeling confident in my own content. I’m not one to dish out my entire personal life on the ‘gram but sometimes feel like that’s what’s expected in the content creation world. So finding the balance between marketing, educating, and sharing is still a little tricky!
Q If you could hire someone for $20/hour, what would you have them do to make your day easier?
Can someone make all the phone calls I’ve been putting off for weeks? The bank, the eye doctor, the electrician…
Q What do you wish you could have told yourself, when, and why?
I’d tell 19-year-old me (who had just dropped out of paramedic school) that it’s okay to quit things that don’t feel good and it’s even more okay to not know what’s next for you.
And definitely say yes to going to Fiji when you’re 21 with your best friend.
Q If you could talk to an expert to gain more insight on something, what would it be about?
An adventure travel business owner - someone who runs surf camps or backpacking trips. In another life, I could see myself doing this type of work so I’d love to hear all the details about launching their business and the day-to-day work.
Q What kind of opportunities/projects are you looking for?
If we’re talking specific industries then anything in the adventure/travel world is completely up my alley. That could look like strategizing, brand messaging support, and or complete web copy.
Q Describe your ideal job/client/collaboration.
I always want to partner with entrepreneurs who aren’t afraid of trying new things or changing the status quo - whether that’s in their messaging, their services, or their entire industry. Plus whenever a project ends and I have tentative plans to meet the client IRL in another city, it’s a win!
Q What is your rate?
For many new entrepreneurs, professional copywriting can be out of reach, so I offer a variety of services to make it more affordable. Personalized strategy calls are $250 CDN while brand messaging and web copy range from $1300- $4000+ CDN depending on your needs.
Q How should someone approach you about working together?
Filling out my contact form is the best way - I may or may not squeal with excitement anytime someone new pops into my inbox!
Q Who is a creative you admire?
My dear friend, mentor, collaborator, and designer Samara Bortz! The way she cares so deeply about lifting up creative women while treasuring her own boundaries is something I continually strive to incorporate into my own life and business.
Lauren, the founder of Launch It Girl, is another creative whose values come through so clearly in every partnership and project she’s involved in.
Q Oh! and… how do you stay creative?
Dog walks, surfing, and going to sleep by 11 pm 6/nights a week.
This member profile was originally published in August 2023