Kat Gaddy

I took Squarespace Design Course for so many reasons. I was laid off in October 2023 from my tech marketing job and wanted to make a change. I've always been interested in design and am familiar with Squarespace (familiarity with Squarespace is not a requirement to take this course btw!), so I decided to take the leap and sign up! I'm soooooo glad I did. As soon as I started watching the first lesson, I knew this course would help me fast-track my Squarespace knowledge in a way that builds genuine skills, not in a "get rich quick" way. I also loved the CSS/HTML lessons; they're such a great intro to code and set you up to expand your skillset if you are willing to play around! Puno and the TAs feedback and guidance throughout the course are SO valuable. The ilovecreatives community is also so supportive and truly is a safe space to experiment with ideas, ask questions, and get feedback. 11/10, would recommend this course to anyone looking to start or grow their web design skills.

The custom site portion helped me realize the value of exploration in design. It's such an important part of the process. Often, I'd come up with a design or two and run with one of them. But this course taught me to keep going and see how far I can push myself creatively to get an even better result.

I'd been thinking about taking this course for a loooong time and never acted (Fear? Imposter syndrome? Probably both). This course opened my eyes to what's possible for me as a designer and freelancer. I never thought I could become a web designer because my background isn't in art or design, but I learned that's simply not true. If you're on the fence, ask yourself if you'd rather stay in the comfort of where you are or if you're tired of daydreaming about where you could be.

My confidence in my taste as a designer has skyrocketed! I also feel so, so confident navigating around Squarespace. I can now look at a gorgeous Squarespace site and have a pretty solid idea of how the designer built it (whether that be with custom code or using sneaky block settings!). This course is a GAME-CHANGER.

Squarespace Design Course