Tara Leavitt

I took the Squarespace Design Course. I love to design on the fly, but being pushed to really working out different versions of my ideas first was like this aha moment. I always hit what I call the design wall - the moment where you're like this is not going where I want and this can lead to frustration. Forcing yourself to hit a minimum number of comps or ideas, means you get to push through this wall and then get to a place that feels so good. Like ahhhh - I did not think this is where we were going, but we're here and it feel oh so nice.

My favorite thing about the course is getting direct 1:1 critiques and time with Puno and the team is the best thing by far. So many of us work in a vacuum - either with ourselves or clients. Getting that friendly and structured 3rd party to weigh in is immeasurable.

You're going to be challenged in one direction, whether its design, technical skills, or how much you decide to take on. No matter what it will be a bit hard, but you have to stick with it. Showing up for co-working hours and chatting up Chelli and other students will keep you engaged and sticking with it.

I had been doing work before, but was all self taught. Having the structure and the perspective on how other people approach similar problems really opened up the world of possibilities for me. I think most of all, I was able to rebuild my boundaries of what is possible.