Social Media Manager Course

Social Media Manager Course Frequently Asked Questions


👋🏼 Have another question or want us to assess if this course is right for you? Email us at

When is the next enrollment?

We have enrollments throughout the year, but the best way to find out the exact date is to join the waitlist. You’ll be notified by email when enrollment is open for the next class. Double check your SPAM if you haven’t received an email!

Why is this course better than other social media courses?

You’ll have access to this course FOREVER, which will include updates and refreshes to keep up with the changing nature of social. You’ll also have a creative community to discuss/knowledge share/brainstorm/collaborate with, and access to your instructor to workshop with during office hours.

Is this equivalent to a college degree?

Baby, this course is all the stuff college DIDN’T teach you, but should’ve. We’ll go over college experience vs in-the-field experience in the course and how they differ. (And to answer your question, technically speaking, nah.)

Who is this course for?

We recommend this course to people spanning a large range of experience, from those just starting out (fresh out of school or switching careers), to those who have 5-6 years of experience under their belt and are wanting to take their career to the next level, connect with like-minded creative professionals, and/or need a mentor!

Let me in! I want to break into the social media world.
I just graduated from college (or high school) and I want in but I have no idea how to start. I want a competitive edge on how to land a gig.
I’m currently working in social and I’m stuck.
I’m working for a brand or freelancing for clients and I need a refresh. Social is changing and nothing’s working! On top of that, our boomer CEO keeps talking about BeReal. Please help.
I’m self-employed and want to use social to promote my business.
I have a business that offers *insert super cool thing here* and I want to expand my reach via social media.
I’m currently working in social and I want to advance.
I’m an intern / assistant / coordinator but I’m a one-person team and need guidance to get to that next level!
I am my brand and I want to grow 🌱
I’m really good at TikTok dances but it’s not getting me any money. I’m self-taught but I want to dig deeper and figure out how to land brand deals and create content people actually want to engage with.
I’m great at interviews and I landed my dream job. Now I have no idea what to do.**
**It’s likely I have imposter syndrome, but regardless - I worked my way into a job I love and I don’t want to drop the ball.

I’m a business owner, is this course right for me?

You betcha. This course will show exactly how business owners, self-employed freelancers, and those with personal brands can manage their social media and utilize their presence as a powerful marketing & community building tool.

I’ve never managed a social media account. Is this too advanced? Or what if I’m a beginner?

Beginners are welcome! Since the course is self-paced, you’ll be able to go at your own rate. You’ll also have Office Hours with the instructor and the ilovecreatives Discord community to help you through.

I don't have any professional marketing experience, is that OK?

Totally. This course is great for people who are passionate about social media but don’t have any professional experience doing so. And pssst–we’ll help you get your foot in the door!

I’m a working freelance designer, what can I learn?

You’ll learn to use social media as a marketing tool to amplify your services, reach the right audience (and more of them), and get clients!

What tools will I learn in this course?

What tools won’t you learn?

You’ll learn hard skills like:

  • Strategy

  • How to execute a social media audit

  • Posting & scheduling best practices focusing on Instagram & TikTok (but also covering Twitter/X, Facebook, and Pinterest)

  • How to build out a campaign and marketing calendar

  • Content production

  • Project management in Notion

  • How to navigate and master management & reporting programs

  • Manage a budget

  • Charge for your services.

You’ll also learn soft skills like:

  • Selling your ideas

  • Landing an interview

  • Getting clients

  • Asking for a raise

What applicable skills will I walk away with by doing this course?

You’ll be able to develop a social media strategy from the ground up, execute a social media audit for any account, create a social marketing campaign with a calendar, ideate/produce/execute content, build robust reporting, and more!

Can I become a full-time freelancer after this course?

Yes! We’ll show you how to stand out & pitch your services and provide resources on how to succeed straight from the source.

I don’t want to freelance, is this still right for me?

That’s ok too! This course is made for those who want to work for a brand or in-house for an agency, those of you who run a company or personal brand, and freelancers.

Do you go over the full client process in the course?

We’ll go over how to get noticed and attract/outreach potential clients, how to charge for your services, and we’ll provide resources and interviews where different freelancers go over their full client process.

Will this course help me get clients?

We’ll provide you with everything you need to land your dream clients — you just have to want it, too, and do your homework! (No, literally, you’ll have assignments that will be given feedback.)

Does this course cover theory or is it more hands on?

This is a super hands-on course with discussions and assignments that will be graded. Back 2 school!

Will this course launch my career in social media management?

Absolutely. We’ll teach you everything you need to know to manage social media professionally, whether you’re just starting out, know the ropes, or want to get to the next level in your career.

Will this course make me more hireable?

Yes! We’ll walk you through how to stand out, land an interview and nail it, complete a candidate project, and pitch your services.

What is the curriculum?

Download the curriculum here for the scoop on everything we’ll go over.

What kind of work can I expect to create?

Together, we will:

  • Put together a hefty social media strategy deck that includes content pillars, a competitor set, a community management strategy, and tone & voice.

  • Execute a social media audit that will allow you to examine and analyze any potential client or brand.

  • Develop a social marketing campaign deck with a content calendar, a monthly & annual report, and a completed hiring candidate project.

  • Work on production decks, create a workflow in a project management tool, create a social media budget, and a lot more!

What does this course focus on?

Social media managers wear a ton of hats–we’re unicorns 🦄 We’ll cover all the major platforms (Instagram, TikTok, Twitter/X, Pinterest, and Meta) with a focus on Instagram and TikTok. You’ll focus on strategy, content ideation, production & creation, analytics, reporting, and, importantly, how to make $$money$$.

How long will it take to finish the course?

The magic of this course is that it’s self-paced. If you’re working on it a few hours each day or about 20 hours per week, you should finish in around 2 weeks. Or if you only want to work on it on the weekend, it should take you a little over a month. And don’t worry—you’ll have your instructor and ilovecreatives Discord community to keep you motivated and in check!

Is the course self-paced?

Yes! The course curriculum and videos are self-paced. You can watch the videos and complete your assignments on any schedule that’s convenient for you. However, for those of you who want a bit more accountability and structure, we've got you covered.

I need structure or I won’t finish. Help!

For those of you that want a bit more accountability and structure, we got you:

  • We have a recommended syllabus that you can follow and an accountability group + co-working sessions to actually get it done.

  • We’ve also gamified the curriculum with assignments where you can earn cookies and unlock rewards.

What is the Discord community?

Our Discord community is made up of other like-minded, creative, and supportive individuals that are taking the course right there with you. There you’ll discuss your assignments and the different lessons, share knowledge and skills, participate in digital workshops together, and it wouldn’t be a social-savvy group if there wasn’t dank meme-sharing.

Who’s the instructor?

*Grabs phone* Joellen here, your social media manager instructor! I have 12+ years experience managing social media professionally, from the vintage store I founded, to in-house at an agency, to freelance, to in-house at different brands. Currently I’m at Reformation leading our social strategy, and I want to show you everrrrything I know.

Will I be able to interact with the teacher?

Yes, pleeease! As a social media professional, you know we crave digital interaction and engagement 🥺 Let’s get to know each other! Slide into my DMs: @joellenlove

Will I be able to get feedback from the teacher?

You definitely will - there will be assignments and discussions, but also larger assignment projects that will require feedback before continuing on in the course.

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes! You won't be able to "graduate" the course until all the payments are complete, but you can work through all of the content. Here’s the payment plan.

What is your refund policy?

We are happy to do a partial refund within 7 days of purchase if you mistakenly purchased the course and have not started watching any of the videos. Once you start watching the videos, we won’t be able to refund your purchase.

How to convince your employer for education reimbursement.

Did you know that $5,250 of education assistance benefits are tax-free per employee (US only)? That means your employer wouldn’t have to be taxed on this course. See Employer-provided educational assistance.

If you’re unsure whether or not your company offers education assistance benefits, just ask! Here’s a sample letter template we created to open up the conversation with your boss. Feel free to change it up and make it your own.



Cristina Tioseco