Phoebe Taylor

Our ROI on ILC ad's have been INSANE the last year. I think I could probably stop marketing my business all together and just send in the occasional newsletter ad and we'd be more than fine.

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Kat Gaddy

My confidence in my taste as a designer has skyrocketed! I also feel so, so confident navigating around Squarespace. I can now look at a gorgeous Squarespace site and have a pretty solid idea of how the designer built it (whether that be with custom code or using sneaky block settings!). This course is a GAME-CHANGER.

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Olivia Biggar

When I started to receive constructive and positive feedback from my teachers it was incredibly validating and made me think "wow, I think I can actually do this!". Once I got that confidence I was surprised how inspired and motivated I was to keep going. I've actually been able to structure a portfolio, land clients, and fulfill briefs thanks to the Creative Copywriting Course.

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Tara Leavitt

My favorite thing about the course is getting direct 1:1 critiques and time with Puno and the team is the best thing by far. So many of us work in a vacuum - either with ourselves or clients. Getting that friendly and structured 3rd party to weigh in is immeasurable.

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Maggie Hoyle

This course was so incredibly insightful. It gave me a different look and perspective on social that I haven’t seen before. Joellen made tackling a social strategy seem so easy, and I especially appreciated how in-detail the lessons go for building reports. Not to mention the real-world advice I couldn't have found anywhere else. Joellen truly is an expert and just as importantly, she’s hilarious. 10/10.

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Raf Lumang

I have tried many courses before and they can be a snooze with the length of the videos, delivery, and tone. This course was divided into digestible pieces that made this easy to refer back to when I needed to be reminded of something while infused with Megumi's fun personality which kept me up and energetic to follow along.

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Chelsea Nicholson

Ceilidh is an incredible and super experienced instructor, getting insight into her way of working is invaluable. You can take this course with any level of experience; it’s perfect for anyone who’s never opened Google Analytics to someone who works as a digital marketer. It was great to review the foundation pieces and then get granular, insightful info and instructions from someone who’s worked with many high level brands.

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Sophie Dumon

Creating my portfolio was my favourite because I had full creative expression and could create something that reflected my values and vision! I have had so many people reaching out to work on projects and on brands from my portfolio. It feels amazing to be working freelance with such creativity.

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Katie Holian

The format of the class is one my favorite things. ilovecreatives crushes e-learning so hard that it doesn't feel like e-learning. Being a visual learner I loved getting walked through the nitty gritty. I would never have learned 5% of what I did in this class if I tried to absorb it through blogs/forums or even a traditional class.

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Amelia Temple

Puno makes the course content itself so fun!! Which is so important as its all self-paced. I also love that once you've accessed the course, you also have access to a whole world of like-minded creatives, inspiration and resources that you can redeem your rewards for, so your learning doesn't actually end when you finish the course.

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Sandy Gordon

I learned the most about myself when creating a custom site for my therapy practice. I learned about the colors I'm drawn to, the images I wish for folks to resonate with and see themselves in, and overall how design can help me tell the stories I wish to tell.

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Claire le Nobel

I just landed my dream job by having my creative profile up on ilovecreatives! The types of clients that come to ilovecreatives tend to be seeking more interesting creative work, so the lead quality is always high, and I get tons of website traffic through my profile. I'm so grateful for this career-changing platform!

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Lydia Iracheta

For Sobremesa.Institute, ilovecreatives is the perfect meeting point for like-minded creatives and language lovers. Since our launch, we knew it was the place where we wanted to showcase our unconventional Spanish school.

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Mithara Peiris

The way my levels of confidence as a designer shot right up is insane! Oh, it skyrocketed after completing the first section alone. I cannot give enough praise to the curators of the course. If you want to expand your graphic design knowledge in a totally fun and immersive way, this is for you.

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Julia Cubbedge

Taking the Creative Copywriter Course has changed my writing (and myself) for the better. I have a pretty non-traditional writing background. I am a Pediatric Registered Nurse but I knew writing was something I loved and I was really craving some more creative work in my life. I also wanted to learn a new skill that could allow me to work remotely and travel more freely.

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Isabella Goldoni

First of all, it is SO FUN. Puno just has the best personality and energy, everything is beautifully designed that it only motivates you and gets you excited to go through it. That, and the Discord community & resources are the cherry on top, sooo valuable and worth it. I feel more confident in my Squarespace abilities and I believe I've been left with so many tools to keep practicing and improving further.

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Marcela Pulido

Honestly, it was so fun! I really loved the gamification aspect of it and just Puno's personality throughout the whole thing. I've definitely taken some courses that are so dull and stuffy and it makes it difficult to get through, but these were totally enjoyable.

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I have had great success on ilovecreatives finding wonderful people to work with. It the perfect resource for hiring freelance creatives who are in the know!

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